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  • 更新時間:  2024-11-07
  • 產品型號:  -
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  • REXROTH壓縮空氣處理單元,DBW10B2-5X/200-6EW230N9K4
    Continuous output without choke [kW] 0,15 0,25 0,46 0,8
    Max. output without choke [kW] 0,45 0,75 1,38 2,4
    Switching frequency/max. output frequency 4 kHz

介質 壓縮空氣
zui低/zui高介質溫度 -10°C / +50°C
環境溫度 zui小值/zui大值 -10°C / +50°C
調節器型號 隔膜式調壓閥
調整功能 帶二次排氣
調節范圍 zui小/zui大 0,5 bar / 8 bar
壓力輸送 單的
The IndraDrive Cs offers new communications hardware with multi-protocol support which addresses today’s increased needs for open, seamless design.
SERCOS III, PROFINET IO, EtherNet/IP and EtherCat are available. Connectivity via these Ethernet-based interfaces is provided by universal, software-configurable communications hardware. Alternatively, IndraDrive Cs can also be equipped with a conventional communications interface such as PROFIBUS. The Rexroth solution gives users maximum communications flexibility with minimum engineering effort.
These impressive features, plus the new multi-encoder interface which supports all standard encoder types, plus an additional option slot make the IndraDrive Cs the ideal choice for highly specialized drive applications. IEC-compliant motion logic and industry-specific technology modules predestine the
過濾器的集水杯容積 16 cm³
濾清器濾芯 可替換
清除冷凝物 見下表
油霧器的集水杯容積 35 cm³
加油方式 手動加油
Frequency tolerance [Hz] ± 2 Hz
Continuous input mains current [A] 0,6 1,2 2,3 4,5
Dependence of output on mains voltage ULN < 400 V 1% power reduction per 4 V
ULN > 400 V no power gain
DC bus
Continuous output without choke [kW] 0,15 0,25 0,46 0,8
Max. output without choke [kW] 0,45 0,75 1,38 2,4
Switching frequency/max. output frequency 4 kHz 0...400 Hz
8 kHz 0...800 Hz
12 kHz 0...1200 Hz
16 kHz 0...1600 Hz
Output voltage [V] 3 x AC 0...230 V
DC bus capacity [mF] 0,44 0,78
DC bus voltage [V] DC Mains voltage x 1.41
Brake chopper/resistor


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